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Why You Should Go With Box Lunches For Your School Field Trip

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If you are planning on taking the kids at your school out for a field trip, everyone from the children to the chaperones is probably excited about the day ahead. But, of course, it is also your responsibility to make sure the kids are properly taken care of while they are out and about and that includes making sure they get a proper lunch. Here's why you might want to contact a box lunch meal catering company ahead of your school field trip.

Easy to Fit on the Bus

If you want to take some form of rations with you for the trip, your first concern might be how you are going to fit the food on the bus along with dozens of children plus chaperones. Luckily, the average box lunch doesn't take up much space at all. The boxes can also be easily stacked and tossed into a cooler before being put underneath a chaperone's seat. You'll be able to bring a box lunch for every child on the bus without worrying about any of it getting in the way.

Box Lunches Are Likely Far Cheaper Than Taking the Kids to a Restaurant or Food Stand on the Trip

If you don't take some food with you for the kids, you'll have to find a spot to eat once you get to the field trip site. This could end up being far more expensive than some of the kids or their families can afford. For example, if your field trip is to the local zoo, the zoo's cafeteria might have significantly higher prices for food than what your school cafeteria typically charges the kids. You might have parents who can't afford to give their kid extra money for lunch on a field trip. When the school buys box lunches in advance, this problem goes away.

Make Sure the Kids Still Eat Healthily

Public school systems also have a responsibility to make sure that children are eating healthily while within their walls. This can be hard to do if you are eating at some random cafeteria or fast food stand, but a box lunch will allow you to give the kids the nutrition they need. Box lunches typically include a sandwich but you can ask the catering company to include an apple or another piece of fresh fruit as well as additional healthy items.

Contact a local box lunch meal catering company today for more information.
